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3rd Step Prayer - Faith Family Recovery Center

Updated: Dec 12, 2022

3rd step prayer hands silhouette

Dear God, help me to let go of my self-will. Help me to let go of my need for control, and let me see that you are in charge. Show me how to let go and be a part of your plan—the plan that works best for everyone involved.

Help me to accept the idea that there is a higher power in this world and I am not it. Help me to see that you are always working on our behalf, even when things don't seem like they're working out well for us.

Help me feel the peace of knowing that no matter what happens, you have a plan for us; you know what's best for us; and even if we don't understand it at first glance, it will all work out because of your love for us.

I pray for the courage to let go of myself and my self-will. I pray that I may be used in a way that is useful to others and my higher power. Help me to see myself as you see me: as a person who has something to offer the world. Help me to realize that my life has meaning and that it can have an impact on others.

I pray that you will help me get out of my own way so that I can be of service to others. Amen

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